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Getting There
Syrencot House, Figheldean, Salisbury, SP4 8LB
There’s ample parking at the venue should you wish to drive, however the venue have advised that if you decide to leave your vehicle overnight it must be collected by 10am at the latest the following morning, as we have to respect there may be a wedding that day.
Getting there
No doubt there will be other guests staying at the same accommodation you choose. Please let us know where you’ve booked as we can put you in touch with other guests to arrange shared travel.
Travel back to your accommodation must be arranged for pick-up from the venue no later than 11:30pm. Please find local taxi numbers below:
AA Taxis 01722 505011
Cityrun Taxi Service 07753 165526
All the Sevens Taxis 01722 777777
Swift Taxis 01722 646464
Kay Taxis 07956 970700
Any other questions just give us a shout.
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